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What are the Top 5 Trending Video Production Needs in Today’s Business Environment?

There are different types of videos, and the type of video you will require will depend on the purpose and usage of the video.

For example, if your business needs to help streamline the onboarding process for new hires, video is great for this. If you want to communicate and share the importance of an upcoming community-funded project, video is great for this. If you’re seeking to communicate and differentiate your business from a competitor's business, video is great for this. Let’s say you need to fill your company vacancies from post-pandemic situations, video is great for communicating this need and sharing company culture, and benefits of working with your company. If your local Chamber of Commerce is holding their annual Chamber of Commerce awards ceremony, video is great for this type of event.

Opportunity is everywhere, it’s just a matter of finding out where the greatest demand is located. Let’s hope this information is helpful in determining you, as a business owner, have a need in one of the top 5 trending areas.

Whatever your flavor, video production needs are always in high-demand, and some of the newest trending types of video production may surprise you.

The Top 5 Trending Video Production Needs for Businesses:

1. Recruiting Videos

In a post-pandemic environment, we can’t ignore the fact that our local businesses are struggling to fill vacancies, leaving production and/or fulfillment from our companies in a lull.

This is a great idea to look at getting recruiting videos made of your business. Tell the story about your company culture, share the advantages and benefits of working for your company. Is it a tight-knit group like a family, or is it more of a corporate structure with national awards, and bonus structures?

Take a look under the hood, so to speak, show prospective hires what your show floor looks like, what it looks like to work in the field, in the warehouse or production line. If they’re sales reps or human resource individuals, share what that looks like, and sell why you feel your business is the greatest in the area for employees.

2. Training Videos

Training videos have been around for as long as video has been available. Video has come in the form of onboarding videos for new hires to help them understand the ramp up and training periods, the training process, as well as reporting hours, and chain of command - to name a few.

In most corporate structures, you’ll find that video is pre-recorded and placed into a Learning Management System with checkpoints and quizzes to ensure that you understand the content in the video. Licensing and Certification processes all include online pre-recorded video placed into a Learning Management System.

It may be a good idea to determine if your staff are better served working in the business, or training in your new hires. Also consider, if it is more efficient to use training videos for a portion of the onboarding or the entire process.

2. Safety and Compliance Videos

In a post-covid world, a lot of companies are still playing it safe by establishing safety and compliance measures to ensure another shutdown, should it happen, they’re prepared for this. Depending on the size of your organization, it may be beneficial to walk your staff through safety and compliance training with a Learning Management System, providing a certification of completion. Additional considerations include contractors, warehousing, wholesalers, as well as maritime or agricultural industries.

3. Promotional Video

This is the most common use for a video, is it to promote a local business, organization or cause. If we go to Instagram, we are seeing the difference between influencers using video production services to shoot their reels or standard video content and the standard instagram user with their camera phone. Today’s most common uses for video in business are Facebook Advertising, Instagram Advertising, social media promotional videos, promotional videos on the website. The best part of promotional videos, is that you can embed that video anywhere you want, share it on any social media platform you want, cross promote the video on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Medium, or any other platform that allows you to post and share your video. Understand that your video needs to be clear, colorful, and properly edited to keep that professional look, this is where hiring a professional may be your best bet.

4. Live or Event Marketing Videos

First, does your organization or an organization you’re associated with. Maybe you sit on a business board, a chamber of commerce board, a Lions Club, Rotary Club, etc., and every year, your organization holds an annual event to give away community awards, scholarships, etc.

Do you have a photographer on-site? Do you have a videographer on-site? Do you wish you had more butts in seats, or a better attended event? There is the option for a Live streaming event with professional grade equipment, shot by a professional videographer. If you don’t want to run a Live streaming event, it’s a great idea to get shots of the awards ceremony, the keynote speech, the breakout sessions, and networking portions of your event.

5. Product / Product Educational Launch

Sometimes, when a company creates a new product. They not only create a new product but they create an entirely new market. Innovation is full of mystery and wonder and with that comes the need to educate the target audience on how to best use the new product. Videos are a great way to relay relative information that people can share and reference. educating the market is important to a products success. Videos help customers get visual representations, how to demonstrations, product possibilities, that can really help the customer understand the product.


These are the top 5 trending video production needs for small businesses in 2022. Given these specific trends, you can take an audit to determine what needs you may have, and how you could leverage the power of video production to supercharge your business.

Do you fall short in numerous areas where video production services may help shore up your weaknesses? These top 5 trends may help bring you into the 21st century and automate a lot of your internal business operations.



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